My birthday was last week and it was great. I didn’t have an emotional breakdown, so that’s fantastic. But I also got plenty of smiles and hugs from students and teachers here. It felt really nice to remember I have a family here too. The bakery gave me some buns and bread for my birthday and the administration office let me take whatever Maggi (like Ramen in the US) flavors I wanted! I got a birthday card from Grandma and Grandpa and a care package (but I paid the postage…) from my family. Thanks to everyone! I appreciate every little note and smile and nod and facebook ‘like’ or post. Hehehe! I am so blessed! But, most importantly, I was able to enjoy ice cream on my birthday, so I’d say it was a success :)
eating my birthday ice cream
The weekend after my birthday was Easter, so that was a different celebration. I was able to skype Holy Trinity Maundy Thursday worship but on Good Friday morning. That worked out well for me to get into Holy Week because I wasn’t able to actually get myself to a Maundy Thursday worship service in Sabah. After that I spent the holy weekend (starting on Friday) with Liz, a fellow Kota Kinabalu local YAGM. The country had a ‘day off’ for Good Friday so, naturally, we went to the movies… twice. Liz and I went to worship at the BCCM in KK on Easter morning. It was wonderful because I really knew it was Easter and I was glad to be wearing my new Easter outfit and sitting with Liz. At the same time, however, the prayers and sermon were very… typical. We didn’t think much on the risen Lord or the empty tomb or any of those things. There were absolutely no bells, or whistles. It was still meaningful though because Liz and I got to spend the day together, reminiscing on what it means to be a Lutheran and our Easter traditions at our churches and with our families. Conversations like those can keep us grounded and remind us of the empty tomb. Sunday night I skyped Holy Trinity again and got to hear some bells and whistles and see some smiling faces and feel some Easter spirit. It was marvelous! Thanks Papa for preaching and thanks Pastor Julie for giving me communion ;)
YAGM friends being silly at the movies!
sunset and dinner at the beach on Saturday. I've never seen so many people at this beach!
Easter morning sunrise. that's Mt. Kinabalu.
I'm truly blessed to be in Malaysia for Easter, thank you for helping me get here and for supporting me everyday. I love you all. I'd also like to say happy birthday to Nana (March 22) and Grandma (April 9). We are 'spring' babies but prettier than flowers. I love you both and thank God for youuuu. Lots of love and peace.
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