Monday, October 10, 2011

missed the boat

Hey everyone!
I wanted to write about this idea; "God will provide." It's been crazy lately, how I ask for something or need something and it magically appears. Of course, that doesn't happen 100% of the time, but very often. Often enough for me to be amazed.

Like I've said before, my 'aunties' cook for me, quite a bit. I don't ask for it. I just go to them to say hello and they ask me to sit and then they ask me to eat. And then they ask me to eat more. I have a large supply of maggi (similar to ramen) that I can make anytime another meal opportunity fails to come up but I've only had to cook maggi once. Once. I could be sitting outside, watching the sunset, wondering to myself, "what am I going to eat? It's Friday and I have no plans. I'm lonely." Moments later I get a text message from another YAGM inviting me to eat with her. Wow! Stuff like that happens to me a lot. Even you all, my supporters, have shown that. I wasn't worried about raising funds for YAGM. I knew we could make it work, somehow. I could take money out of savings or sell my car. But I didn't have to do any of that. God provided! Through you! Above the goal! THANK YOU! It is very exciting. On Sunday I forgot what time I was supposed to leave for church and was all ready when I realized that I was totally late. I decided I would stay home, blog, sleep, be bored, instead. I was all set to skype my parents when I saw a friend in the kitchen looking like she was about to go to church. I asked her and she said I could come with her but to be aware that Catholic Mass is different from Presbyterian worship. No problem! And just like that, I was in the car going to church, something I really wanted to do and had concluded wasn't going to happen this time around. I tend to think God is helping make all of this possible. If not, then Malaysians can read minds. One or the other.

I went to a benefit dinner sort of event the other night and it was hilarious. I just said yes (free dinner, of course the answer is yes) and got in the car. I was most likely underdressed and nothing could have prepared me for this event! It had something to do with heart disease, "Society for the Sabah Heart Fund" raising money for kids with heart diseases. The food was all new stuff, all 8 courses of newness. But the entertainment was what made it funny! First there was a band, normal, nothing special. Then there was a man who sang with a really deep voice and almost sounded like he was from the United States. And then there was this Elvis Presley impersonator with the whole outfit and hip-shaking. Lastly, a beautiful young lady who has won all sorts of national awards for her voice and even won Malaysian Idol sang to us. She sang an Adele song, beautifully. Hil.Are.Ious. Just the whole situation. Why was I invited to this random thing with all this food and entertainment oh and the fancy pants guest of honors who must have been a big deal because we all had to stand up when they came in and when they left. Sure beats sitting at home studying Melay. Ha!

He's so great.

Hmm. The strangest thing we probably ate was this vegetable stew that had HUGE, whole mushrooms in it. Other new foods include the coffee flavored meat, sea cucumber soup (not a vegetable), and sweet like candy breaded chicken.

I've become even more confident in speaking Melay. I definitely need others to slow down or translate a few words when we're talking but I'm not afraid to do that. We have a new group of 3 or 4 nurses come in and stay for a week. They observe and help out where they can (sound like my job eh?). Well I don't interact with them much but last week I just straight up walked up to one of the ladies and shook her hand and told her all about myself. As much as I could remember how to say in Melay. I am very proud of myself! Sometimes I'm shy but Monday must have been a good day for me! If I introduce myself in Melay it can be a disaster because then the person I'm speaking with assumes I'm fluent and will talk quickly but this woman knew I was still learning. I really appreciated how she continued to greet me in Melay throughout the week even though her English is probably better than my Melay. Today the staff had a meeting and they asked me to stand up and introduce myself and I chose to do it in Melay. I think they were impressed, I'm not sure. I feel well on my way to fluent. I'll tell a student to work or "don't be lazy" and the way they look at me makes me feel like I'm saying it waaaay wrong. That's been a little frustrating for me. Last week we had some big changes. My friend who had been working in the Kantin moved to the bakery and the teacher at the bakery moved to the Kantin. My schedule has me in the Kantin nearly everyday so the teacher I had gotten to know left and I'm trying to adjust to helping out a different teacher. Also, the students from the transition class are 'trying out' the vocational locations for one or two weeks at a time. So the day there was a switch there was also an addition of a couple students in the Kantin. This is rough! I just got to know the Kantin trainees, they taught me what their job is, now there are two new faces and someone needs to teach them what to do. Am I the one to teach them? It's hard for students to listen to me if they can't understand me and I can't understand them, so it makes me feel awful. I think we'll figure it out somehow though. I like all of them! We have fun just being around and attempting to communicate or laughing. It makes me smile to just think about it.

I hate to break it to you but this isn't actually what the sunset looks like. But who knew that sunset photos with the flash on makes a pretty outstanding shot? I also randomly went outside today for my daily sunset watching and saw the most amazing one yet. So so so pretty. I felt very close to God. Then I realized that the sun I'm watching is making its way up in Chicago about the same time I watch it disappear. Haha! Insane, but beautiful. It was so peaceful with the waves and the stormy clouds but perfect colors. That's where I really get to pray. And listen. I'm loving my moments and days here. I love you all too! Thanks everybody!

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